מאמרים אקדמיים
מספר מאמרים אקדמיים פרי עטי. המאמרים עוסקים במחקרים על מפגשים אנושיים.
מאמרים נבחרים באנגלית:
Decent care and decent employment: Family caregivers, migrant care workers and moral dilemmas
Daniella Arieli and Dalit Yassour-Borochowitz
Ethics & Behavior, 2023
This paper examines moral dilemmas faced by family caregivers of older adults who employ live-in migrant care workers. Being both a family caregiver as well as an employer of a live-in migrant care worker often puts family members at a crossroad, where moral decisions must be made. Lacking a formal role, family members do not have a professional code of ethics or other clear rules that can guide their actions, and their choices are rooted in cultural, community, familial, and personal values. This paper discusses moral dilemmas that result from family caregivers’ dual commitment, to the wellbeing of their older sick relative who is the recipient of care, and to the wellbeing of the live-in care worker whom they employ. The paper uses relational ethics as a theoretical framework to discuss three cases that involve complex moral decision making in real life.
Family Caregivers as Employers of Migrant Live-In Care Workers: Experiences and Policy Implications
Daniella Arieli and Inbal Halevi Hochwald
Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 2023
This paper focuses on practice insights derived from
using nonviolent communication (NVC) as a method of
conflict transformation. After describing the main principles
and components of NVC, we will present an example
from the field: a crisis in the relationships between
Arab-Israeli educators and staff members of a
Jewish-Israeli museum who established a partnership for
a special project: to train Arab educators to teach about
the Holocaust. We will focus on a conflict that threatened
this partnership, and will discuss both the advantages
and challenges of NVC as a mediation method.
Nonviolent communication (NVC) based mediation: Practice insight
Daniella Arieli and Oriana Abboud Armaly
Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 2022
This paper focuses on practice insights derived from
using nonviolent communication (NVC) as a method of
conflict transformation. After describing the main principles
and components of NVC, we will present an example
from the field: a crisis in the relationships between
Arab-Israeli educators and staff members of a
Jewish-Israeli museum who established a partnership for
a special project: to train Arab educators to teach about
the Holocaust. We will focus on a conflict that threatened
this partnership, and will discuss both the advantages
and challenges of NVC as a mediation method.
Emotion work and feeling rules:
Coping strategies of family caregivers of people with end stage dementia in Israel—A qualitative study
Inbal Halevi Hochwald, Daniella Arieli,
Zorian Radomyslsky, Yehuda Danon and Rachel Nissanholtz-Gannot
Dementia, 2022.
Background: End stage dementia is an inevitable phase following a prolonged deterioration. Family caregivers for people with end stage dementia who live in their home can experience an emotional burden. Emotion work and “feeling-rules” refers to socially shared norms and self-management of
feelings, as well as projecting emotions appropriate for the situation, aiming at achieving a positive environment as a resource for supporting others’ wellbeing.
Objectives: Exploring and describing the experience of family caregivers of people with end stage dementia at home, in Israel, unpacking their emotional coping and the emotional-strategies they use, and placing family caregivers’ emotion work in a cultural context.
Method: We conducted fifty qualitative interviews using semi structured interviews analyzed through a thematic content analysis approach.
Findings: Four characteristics of emotion work were identified: (1) sliding between detachment and engagement, (2) separating the person from their condition (3), adoption of caregiving as a social role and a type of social reinforcement, and (4) using the caregiving role in coping with loneliness and emptiness. The emotional coping strategies are culturally contextualized, since they are influenced by the participants’ cultural background.
Discussion: This article’s focus is transparent family caregivers’ emotion work, a topic which has rarely been discussed in the literature is the context of caring for a family member with dementia at home. In our study, emotion work appears as a twofold concept: the emotion work by itself
contributed to the burden, since family caregivers’ burden experience can evolve from the dissonance between their “true” feelings of anger and frustration and their expected “acceptable” feelings (“feeling-rules”) formed by cultural norms. However, emotion work was also a major source of coping and finding strength and self-meaning. Understanding and recognizing the emotion work and the cultural and religious influence in this coping mechanism can help professionals who treat people with end stage dementia to better support family-caregivers.
Engaging complex diversity in academic institution: The case of “triple periphery” in a context of a divided society
Michal Raz, Daniella Arieli & Helena Desivilya
Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 2021
This research examines how faculty members working
in complex sociopolitical context cope with campus
diversity. Through 20 focus groups comprised of faculty
members representing all of the departments at one
academic institution, we investigated the participants'
experiences with student diversity. The findings show
that the protracted Israeli–Palestinian conflict seeps
into classroom interactions. This infiltration of the protracted
conflict is particularly salient during escalations
of the conflict. The participants feel they are unable to
address these difficulties, experience isolation, fear, and
a lack of support. The study expands understanding of
how employees cope with political tensions in a reallife
Whose program is this? Negotiations in designing a student-initiated and student-led Jewish-Arab/Palestinian dialogue program on campus
Skorkowich, Y., Arieli, D., Simonovich, J., Gur, P. & Bseel, A.
Journal of Action Research, 2020
This research examines the Nice 2 Meet U intervention program which, unlike other programs promoting dialogue between Arab/Palestinian and Jewish students on Israeli campuses, was a grassroots program initiated and moderated by students. The program was designed jointly by the initiators, the participants and the researcher/advisor using action research. The objective of the current study was to describe the negotiations among all the partners with respect to a central dilemma: should the program include political discourse on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? The research proposes seeing the negotiations over designing grassroots conflict intervention programs as an arena in which the participants’ academic, ethno-national and gender positions intersect and shape knowledge-power relations. Alongside the risks inherent in this process, it also offers potential for creating transformative spaces that challenge traditional patterns of power relations and encourage students to take part in changing the social atmosphere
on campus.
Nursing education, cultural differences and political tensions: An Israeli first-person action research.
Daniella Arieli
Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2019.
Purpose: The aim of this article was to focus on interventions that were part of an attempt to engage, in nursing education, with the challenges of working in a society afflicted with violent political tensions.
Design: This article is an initial reflective report on two interventions (with students and with the nursing faculty) that were part of ongoing action research at a nursing school in Israel.
Methodology: The methodology used for this article is first-person action research based on the author's reflective accounts.
Findings: Three themes in relation to the intervention with students are (a) acknowledging different identities; (b) making conflict discussable; and (c) the dynamics of silencing and self-censorship. Four vignettes that were at the center of the faculty's workshop are presented, as are the main contributions and shortcomings of the workshop. The main key to success for both interventions was that they were designed to answer specific needs and concerns of the participants.
Conclusions: There is a need for a wider effort to find ways to better address deep political, ethnic, social, religious, and racial conflicts as an integral part of nursing education. Interventions need to be tailor made for nursing and for the context.
Clinical relevance: Preparing future nurses to care in a context of complex political realities is essential for effective caregiving in societies fraught with conflict. Sharing attempts to implement interventions with students and faculty is a prerequisite for a wider global effort of addressing conflict in nursing education.
Facilitating Emotional Reappraisal in Conflict Transformation/
Victor Friedman, Daniella Arieli & Oriana Abboud -Armaly
Conflict Resolution Quarterly 2018. Volume 35(4).
Today emotions are seen as an integral part of conflict and conflict resolution. Research, mostly experimental or simulation based, has shown that emotional “appraisal” or “self‐regulation” can have a positive effect on conflict transformation. Drawing on lessons learned from a case study of conflict transformation involving Jewish and Arab students in Israel, this paper illustrates how the “reappraisal” of difficult emotions can play a central role in creating more positive relationships. The findings suggest that reflexivity is a key part of emotional “reappraisal” and proposes a number of actions that can be taken to actively facilitate this process.
Patients’ stories of encounters with doctors: Expectations and anxieties/
Daniella Arieli and Batya Tamir
Patient Experience Jornal 2018. Issue 1(6).
The study contributes to the understanding of how patients experience encounters with doctors. The study is based on the gathering and analysis of subjective stories of 'healthy' patients who live in Israel about their encounters with doctors. On the one hand, medical encounters were described as functional ritualistic events, and the doctor was described as an indifferent clerk. On the other hand, and often at the same time, medical encounters were perceived as incredibly meaningful and potentially fateful events, and the doctor as a supreme authority. Four main inter-connected expressions of this were: 1. The encounter as a ritual: A convenient but alarming arrangement; 2. Alone in the struggle to feel well: The unspoken anxiety; 3. Time concerns; 4. Paying for reassurance- Turning to physicians in private practice. The research indicated that the visit to the doctor often raises "healthy" patients' confrontation with existential fears, and that they expect the doctor to be sensitive to their anxieties, and reassuring. Alas, these emotions and expectations often remain unspoken. There is a need for further discussion regarding the different ways patients and doctors perceive medical encounters. Acknowledging potential gaps in meanings and expectations and addressing their implications on patients' experiences is crucial for patients; doctors and policy makers.
Negotiating Reality: Conflict Transformation in Natural Spaces of Encounter/
Daniella Arieli and Victor J. Friedman
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Sccience, 2013. Volume 49(3).
This article develops theory to address a dilemma experienced as “resistance” to a conflict transformation process among Jewish and Arab nursing students in Israel. This dilemma is analyzed from two theoretical perspectives: (a) the “postcolonial approach,” which applies ideas of critical conflict theory and group dynamics to generate change in intergroup relationships, and (b) the “negotiating reality approach,” which applies ideas of social constructionism and action science to enable participants to jointly shape a space in which they feel free to express their complex individual and group identities. We propose that the postcolonial approach offers a powerful interpretive framework but would likely engender greater resistance. We present a negotiating reality intervention model designed to offer a way out of the dilemma and increase cooperation in critical reflection, learning, and change. The discussion compares the implications of the two approaches, setting forth propositions for guiding further research and practice.
Emotional Work and Diversity in Clinical Placements of Nursing Students/
Daniella Arieli
Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2013. Volume 45(2).
Purpose: To learn how students experience clinical placements in a setting of diversity and how they cope with the emotional challenges involved.
Desig: This study is based on inductive, qualitative research undertaken with Israeli nursing students.
Method: In‐depth interviews were conducted with 20 students: 10 Arabs (5 men and 5 women), 9 Jews (2 men and 7 women), and 1 Circassian. The interviews were analyzed through coding and categorization.
Findings: The students’ experiences are characterized by emotional strains of various sorts—stress, ambivalence, disgust, frustration, and conflict—that arise in three types of relationships: relationships with patients, with the clinical instructors, and with other students who are on their teams. The data show that diversity has an impact on all these relationships. The data further show that the students cope with the emotional strains by using several strategies of emotional work: distancing, self‐strengthening, self‐motivation work, and minimizing significance.
Conclusions and Implications: (a) Nursing students’ experiences during their clinical placements should be understood in terms of emotional challenges, and their emotional work and coping strategies call for appropriate forms of support. (b) The diversity of the clinical placement environment should be considered as an important factor, both in understanding students’ experiences and learning processes and in designing the support that they need.
Clinical Relevance: Culturally diverse settings entail distinct challenges that impact students’ emotional reaction to clinical work. Understanding the types of emotional work students do in the process of their clinical experience is critical for educators seeking to promote genuinely caring and effective nursing in culturally diverse settings.
The paradox of participation in action research/
Daniella Arieli, Victor J. Friedman, Kamil Agbaria
Action Research, 2009. Volume 7(3).
Although participation is widely discussed in the action research literature, relatively few studies deal with building the participative relationship itself. This article attempts to fill that gap through a ‘first-person action research’ involving a relationship between Jewish researchers and a Palestinian Arab non-governmental organization in Israel that failed to live up to our espoused values of participation. It employs an action science method for joint critical reflecting on this relationship and analyzing the data from the reflection. It presents two ‘theories of action’: one aimed at explaining the paradox of participation and one for dealing with it more effectively. By opening our learning, including our errors, to the scrutiny of other action researchers, we hope to generate actionable knowledge that can contribute to building genuinely participative relationships in action research.
מאמרים נבחרים בעברית:
מפגשים אתניים במרחב האקדמי: חגיגת הסיגד כמשא ומתן על כללי המשחק/
דניאלה אריאלי, יעל סקורקוביץ ומרים הירשפלד
המחקר על מהגרים וקבוצות מיעוט אתניות, לרבות הספרות על יוצאי אתיופיה בישראל, עוסק בהרחבה במנגנונים החברתיים שדוחקים יחידים וקבוצות לשוליים. לצד זאת, בשנים האחרונות יש ניצנים של ספרות אשר מתמקדת בניסיונות ובהצלחות של יחידים וקבוצות מבני העדה לשנות את כללי המשחק במרחב החברתי, ולמצב באופן מוצלח את הסטטוס שלהם. מטרת מאמר זה היא לתרום לספרות זו באמצעות חקר אירוע שארגנו סטודנטיות ממוצא אתיופי הלומדות במכללה אקדמית בצפון הארץ, אירוע שהוקדש לחגה של הקהילה האתיופית - חג הסיגד. נבקש לטעון כי הנכחת הסמלים האתניים של תרבותן בקמפוס, והאופן שבו בחרו להציג את עצמן בפני הסטודנטים ואנשי הסגל שהגיעו לאירוע, היו דרכן של הסטודנטיות הישראליות אתיופיות לערוך, בינן לבין עצמן, ובינן לבין האחרים, מעין "שיחה סימבולית" על המשמעויות של הזהות הייחודית שלהן ואופני התקבלותה בתוך המיקרו-קוסמוס החברתי של הקמפוס, ובו זמנית גם על המשמעויות של זהות "פאן-ישראלית" המשותפת לכולם. באמצעות אירוע זה ביקשו הסטודנטיות לשנות את מעמדן בקמפוס ולהפוך ממודרות למארחות גאות ולמנהיגות המשפיעות על עיצוב סדר היום. חקר אירוע זה מראה כי לצד תהליכים של הדרה ואפליה, שכמובן אין להכחיש את קיומם, מתרחשים באקדמיה גם תהליכים שבאמצעותם סטודנטים מנסים, ולעיתים גם מצליחים, לשנות את החוויה שלהם בקמפוס .ולעבור מהדרה להכללה.
הגירה 2018.
גיליון 8.
לדבר עם דמנציה: מאפיינים ודפוסים של תקשורת ייחודית/
דניאלה אריאלי
מאמר זה עוסק במאפייניה הייחודיים של תקשורת עם אנשים עם דמנציה. בעוד שמרבית הספרות על דמנציה מתארת אותה כמצב לא תקשורתי ביסודו ומתמקדת בהיבטים הקליניים של דמנציה ובהשלכותיהם על שיבושי התקשורת, מאמר זה מתייחס לתקשורת עם אנשים עם דמנציה כתקשורת הדדית, ב”גובה העיניים”, שהיא משמעותית ומפרה הן עבור האדם עם הדמנציה והן עבור בן שיחו ה”בריא”. על בסיס ניתוח סיטואציות מוחשיות ושיחות שקיימתי עם אדם קרוב לי שאושפז במחלקה לאנשים עם דמנציה, אצביע על ארבעה מאפיינים של תקשורת ייחודית זו: 1. ניסיון משותף להבין את הדמנציה; 2. חיפוש רצף שיח והיעדרו; 3. גלישה בין מציאות להזיה; 4. הבניה של מרחב משותף מול ההקשר המוסדי. הדיון במאפייני השיחה הללו מציע כלים שיסייעו לאנשים שמתמודדים עם האתגר שבקיום קשר עם קרוביהם שלקו בדמנציה.
גרונטולוגיה וגריאטריה 2016. כרך מ"ג 1
בין קונפליקט לדיאלוג: על תהליכי התערבות במפגש בין ערבים ויהודים באקדמיה/
דניאלה אריאלי וויקטור פרידמן
מאמר זה מתאר תהליך מחקרי מתמשך שבמרכזו עמד ניסיון להבין ולהשפיע על יחסים בין סטודנטים יהודים וערבים הלומדים יחדיו במכללה ציבורית בצפון הארץ. הזירה האקדמית מתוארת כ"מרחב מפגש טבעי", בו נפגשים אנשים שלרוב מבלים את זמנם במרחבים נפרדים. מרחב זה מהווה, מחד, הזדמנות להיכרות מעמיקה, לשיתוף פעולה ודיאלוג, אך מאידך טעון במתחים ומושפע מקונפליקטים הקיימים בחברה הרחבה. המחקר התקיים כמחקר פעולה שמטרתו הערכה מעצבת של חוג אקדמי לסיעוד שבו כמחצית הסטודנטים הם יהודים וכמחציתם ערבים. המאמר מציג שישה מעגלים של מחקר פעולה, את הקשיים והדילמות שעימם התמודדנו, ואת התובנות שהפקנו מכל אחד מהם. לאור תובנות אלו אנו מציעים גישה תיאורטית-מעשית חדשנית להתמודדות עם מתחים וקונפליקטים במרחבי מפגש טבעיים. גישה זו מבוססת על התפיסה של "הבנייתיות חברתית" (Gergen & Gergen, 2008) (social constructionism) ומטרת-העל שלה היא לעודד את הסטודנטים לעצב, באופן מודע ומשותף, מרחב מפגש טבעי המשרת את רצונותיהם וצורכיהם של כל המשתתפים.
סוגיות חברתיות בישראל 2015. גיליון 19.
יצירת מרחב להשמעת קולותיהם של אנשים עם מוגבלות/
נעם לפידור-לפלר, ויקטור פרידמן ודניאלה אריאלי
המאמר מציג את המושג "מרחב ביניים " כאמצעי להשמעת קולותיהם של אנשים עם מוגבלות בדרך שמשנה את תפיסתם ומרחיב ה את גבולות האפשרי להם. המאמר מבוסס על מחקר פעולה שליווה את שלב הפיתוח של תכנית למתן שירותים לאנשים עם מוגבלות פיזית קשה החיים בפרפריה. מטרות המחקר היו שיתוף כל בעלי העניין בפיתוח מודל התכנית תוך הדגשת שותפות האנשים עם המוגבלות בכל שלבי התהליך, וכן הפקת מודל לתכנית, באמצעות תיעוד והערכה מעצבת. המחקר כלל מפגשי הכנה לשותפות עבור אנשים עם מוגבלות, קביעת מטרות משותפות, בניית תכנית פעולה, מעגלי הערכה ומשוב לבעלי העניין. הנתונים נאספו באמצעות שאלון, תיעוד מפגשים וראיונות עומק -חצי מובְ נים. המאמר מתאר יצירה של " מרחב ביניים לא " פיזי אלא פסיכולוגי-חברתי בעיקרו, מרחב המאפשר לאנשים עם מוגבלות להיכנס ל דיאלוג שוויוני עם אנשים אחרים ולשנות את ״כללי המשחק״. השפעותיו של "מרחב הביניים " היו מרחיקות לכת והתבטאו ביכולת להתגבר על בושה ועל בדידות והרחבת גבולות האפשרי להם בבית ובקהי לה.
עיונים בשפה וחברה 2015. גיליון 7 (1-2).